The RENOVA company offers a wide range of production and commercial offers of steel products. The company's activity focuses on steel products made of cold-formed profiles and sheets. The company's headquarters is located in Brzeziny near Łódź, where there are offices and a production plant for cold-formed products. The dynamic development of the company allows for quick adaptation to the needs of customers. By adjusting our assortment to the constantly changing market, we are able to satisfy even the most demanding customers. Our offer includes a number of profiles made of steel sheets, currently we are a significant manufacturer of profiles for window reinforcements. Thanks to the location in central Poland and having our own transport, we are able to quickly complete any order...

RENOVA among Forbes Diamonds 2023
Before we sell even a ton of steel, we talk for a long time with the client about the specifics of his business. Good understanding and implementation of the actual needs of our contractors gives us a competitive advantage.
A fresh perspective and genuine commitment to meeting customer needs is our advantage.
Natalia Matuszewska
Renova Sp. z o. o. is a company whose activity focuses on the processing of steel sheet. Our products include steel window reinforcements and photovoltaic structures, as well as steel strips and sheets. The founder of Renova, Bartłomiej Brzeziński, decided to create the production company he had always dreamed of. He implemented his plan in Brzeziny near Łódź, where the Brzeziński family comes from. Earlier, he prepared himself for this task by working for the international consulting company Deloitte, where he gained, among other things, the qualifications of a statutory auditor and invaluable professional experience necessary to run his own business. – Active entrepreneurs should not limit themselves to what they have been producing for years, even if at the moment it seems like a good business. There can always be a change in technology or a downturn in a given industry. Sometimes there are market opportunities - new industries that give significantly better rates of return. An example is photovoltaics. We have designed and created systems for a flat roof and a free-standing structure for photovoltaic farms. We also offer constructions for installation in gardens next to single-family houses or in free spaces around production companies. This part of our business is developing very dynamically in the era of rising energy prices - says Bartłomiej Brzeziński, president of the company.
Currently, the response time in business has increased significantly. Quick exchange of information has become one of the success factors. Market participants are starting to use modern technologies - artificial intelligence, like GPT chat, proposes solutions in a few seconds and provides answers. Meanwhile, concerns (including steel companies) remained significantly behind in this respect. Many times it happens that we received a response to the inquiries sent after a few days. It feels like an eternity – especially for those of Generation Z entering the workforce. – In Renova, all valuations, calculations and drawings are made within a few hours. This is also important in a competitive market, notes Bartłomiej Brzeziński. – Some companies simply offer and sell steel products. We have a different approach - we meet the customer's needs, which we know very well. Fulfilling the actual needs of our contractors gives us a competitive advantage - adds Natalia Matuszewska, Development and Sales Director.
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